Place your order through the website, no need, if you do not want to give your credit card number, there are several payment options via Paypal, bank transfer, check, cash, square, paypass debit, credit card at the time of pickup or delivery, so don't be afraid to place your order through the site, if you want to know the value of the delivery, at the time of checkout, there is a module on the site that automatically calculates the value and the distance, immediately Then, I pick up on-site, or shipping, which happens every Thursday after 6 pm, I combine everything by email, as soon as your order arrives, the more things to do, such as savory, sweet, the more time to prepare, if it is products, can be withdrawn the same day, if it is deliveries only next Thursday.
I am located in Beauport, Ville de Québec, but Cusine is not a place open to the public, it is an online shop where once ordered by the site, it is combined, I repeat, it is all combined by email , on the landline, if you can leave your message, as I work full steam, I do not usually answer, see and respond faster via email anyway!
Thank you so much !
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